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Texans Urged To Prepare For Hurricane Season

AUSTIN (AP) - Hurricane season doesn't start for another week-and-a-half, but the Texas Department of Public Safety is urging Texans — especially those near the coast — to begin preparing now for the approach of a hurricane.

Hurricane season starts June 1.

Even though coastal residents are the most vulnerable, DPS Director Steven McCraw says a hurricane can disrupt and endanger residents throughout the state.

Not only can the winds of a hurricane cause death and destruction, so can the tropical rains that come with it.

McCraw suggests Texans assemble an emergency kit that includes essential documents, supplies and provisions. Hurricane evacuation maps should be on hand and reviewed and an evacuation route chosen. And any special needs of those who are disabled or elderly should be provided for.

(© Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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