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Temple man wins title for best groomed mustache in America

Temple man wins national mustache contest
Temple man wins national mustache contest 00:37

TEMPLE – A man from central Texas officially has the best groomed mustache in America.

Josh Quinney has won the title of best groomed mustache in America by the Honest Amish National Beard and Moustache Championships – for the second time.

In 2019, he was named USA's styled handlebar mustache champion.

He won the title of best groomed mustache in America in 2021 and now, he's won it again.

The competition took place in November in Daytona Beach, Florida. 

There are an array of categories you and your beard can participate in, including mustaches, partial beards, full beards and craft beards.

At this year's championships, four different world records were set for mustache chain, partial beard chain, beard chain and adorned craft beard chain.

Quinney says he plans to keep competing and hopes to launch his own mustache grooming product line.

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