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Family Wants DISD Teacher Punished For Alleged Attack

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - A dispute in the classroom led to an assault allegation against a teacher in the Dallas Independent School District. A father claimed that his 15-year-old son was struck by the teacher, and said that the school has done nothing about the incident.

Aaron McKenzie admitted that he has a dirty mouth, and has been in trouble before. When he disrespected and cursed at his eighth-grade teacher at the Billy Earl Dade Learning Center, the teen was escorted away from class. But he was not prepared for how the teacher would allegedly react. "As I started walking out the classroom, I was at the door, and he cheap shots me with a closed fist," Aaron recalled. "Hits me in the back of the head."

Dale McKenzie is the teenager's father. He knows that his son was out of line, he said, but "there's ways of handling it without showing violence." He cannot believe that an adult would allegedly attack a student and still be in school teaching. "When I spoke with the principal, he told me it would be a shame for teacher to lose his job."

The school district will not release the name of the accused teacher, but it did issue a statement about the allegation. "The incident was reviewed and personnel action taken, if any, will not be discussed," it said. District spokesman Jon Dahlander also said that the family was assured that the matter would be handled appropriately.

"They should've done something about it," Dale McKenzie said. "It's been a few weeks and they haven't done nothing about it."

The unnamed teacher has not been placed on any sort of administrative leave. The school district will not even confirm if the claim is even valid. But Aaron McKenzie refuses to back down.

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