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Teacher's Hair Now History Thanks To Cancer

WATAUGA (CBSDFW.COM) - The words 'teacher' and 'dedication' go hand in hand, but for one Watuaga Middle School teacher, his dedication over 2 years to helping friends and family with cancer played out in the school cafeteria Thursday.

History teacher Tom Lane hadn't had a haircut in over 2 years before Thursday's lunch bell rang. That changed when he shaved his long white hair to donate it to the Locks of Love program.

Lane came up with the idea because his wife informed him many older women can't get natural gray and while haired wigs.

Shortly after he began his quest, his reason for giving grew. One month after he started growing his hair out, his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.

"That was a big kick in the stomach," said Lane.

But Lane's wife Becky caught it early, and never lost her hair. She made sure Tom didn't lose his either. "Every day is a blessing when I wake up and she's still there."

Tom decided Thursday would be the day to cut his hair since he'll be taking part in the Komen 3-Day Walk this weekend.

Tom will be walking in honor of his wife, now a 2-year survivor, and two friends he recently lost to breast cancer.

With a snip of the left, a snip of the right, and a razor to work the rest of it-- Tom's mission was complete.  At least for now.  "If my wife can stand me with long hair for another 2 years, I may do it again."

Lane will be accepting one dollar donations for anyone who wants to rub his bald head. For more information, or to donate, check out his 3-day donation page here.

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