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Battleground State Governors Visit North Texas

FORT WORTH (CBS 11 NEWS) - The political clock is ticking. Both former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama are running out of time to seal the deal with voters.

Nowhere is the race closer than in the battleground states, such as Florida and Wisconsin.

In the sunshine state, an average of the polls during the past week shows the President clinging to a one point lead.

Florida's Governor Rick Scott, in town for the U.S. China investment summit at Cowboys Stadium, told me why he believes Romney will still squeak out a win.

Mr. Scott said, "It's going to be about jobs, and whoever has the right plan on jobs is going to be the winner, and right now, Governor Romney has the right plan, so I think he's going to win the race in Florida."

In Wisconsin, the race has tightened up. An average of the polls there shows the President with five point lead.

Sure, the Vice-Presidential nominee, Paul Ryan, a Republican Congressman from Wisconsin helps Romney. But that state's Governor, Republican Scott Walker, who's also in town for the summit, says Romney must win on his own.

Earlier this year, Governor Walker waged a major political battle against the unions. Part of the fallout from that fight was a recall election - which he won.

The Governor says he told Romney that doesn't guarantee him a win there.

Mr. Walker told me, "He can't expect he's going to win just because the "R" next to his name stands for Republican. It's ultimately in our state and in other swing states, it has to stand for reformer in the eyes of the voters."

Governor Walker says states like Iowa and Ohio are very similar to Wisconsin. He says people there are independent and vote for the candidate, not the party. Those states are also considered battleground states.

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