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Survey Says 75 Percent Of Texans Planning Trip

IRVING (AP) - A travel association survey finds three-fourths of the Texans polled plan to hit the road for at least one summer getaway.

AAA Texas on Wednesday offered results of its fourth annual summer travel survey.

Overall, 75 percent of the respondents plan at least one summer trip. Last year 72 percent of the respondents had definite summer travel plans.

San Antonio was chosen the top Texas destination, followed by Galveston, Austin and the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

AAA spokeswoman Rhonda Wilson says high gasoline prices have impacted consumers. The survey found that 26 percent of the respondents are not taking as many trips due to the cost of fuel. About 17 percent said they plan shorter vacations or destinations closer to home.

The online survey of 356 AAA Texas members was done May 17 through May 29. Summer travel is defined as a non-business trip in June, July or August of more than 50 miles one way from home and requiring an overnight stay. The margin of error is plus or minus 5.2 percent.

(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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