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Suggestions Offered After 2 Texas Firefighters Die

BRYAN (AP) — A review of a blaze that killed two Texas firefighters has led to recommendations for better communication among personnel and more attention to fire potential in concealed spaces.

The State Fire Marshal's Office on Monday released its report on the Feb. 15, 2013, fire at an unoccupied Knights of Columbus Hall in Bryan.

The blaze claimed the lives of two Bryan firefighters — Lt. Gregory Pickard and Lt. Eric Wallace — plus left two other firefighters hurt.

The final analysis does not suggest any firefighters failed to perform their duties as trained.

The review found that firefighters did not recognize conditions indicating fire in concealed spaces. The report also suggests better communication and more extensive evaluation of fires in unoccupied buildings before firefighters enter or remain in such burning structures.

(© Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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