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Study Says 1 In 5 Pregnant White Women Smoke

NEW YORK (CBS NEWS) - Despite all the risks, about one in five white women still smoke cigarettes while pregnant, according to a new study.

The study, conducted by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), showed that 21.8 percent of white women aged 15 to 44 admitted to having cigarettes while having a baby. Black and Hispanic women reported lower rates at 14.2 percent and 6.5 percent respectively.

When it came to illicit drug use, 7.7 percent of pregnant black women admitted to using illicit substances, compared with 4.4 percent of pregnant white women and 3.1 percent of pregnant Hispanic women, the study revealed. Alcohol use was also relatively high with 12 to 13 percent of pregnant black and white women admitting to drinking. Hispanic women reported the lowest alcohol consumption rates.

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