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State's Bill Mounting For Perry's Security Detail

AUSTIN (AP) - The state's bill for providing security for Texas Gov. Rick Perry's presidential bid is nearly $800,000 and growing.

A Texas Department of Public Safety report released Thursday showed the cost of travel expenses for the security detail for Perry and his wife, Anita, was $798,031 from September through part of November.

The San Antonio Express News reports that most of that bill was for out-of-state trips and the security tab for travel outside Texas was more than $1.1 million from Perry's November 2010 re-election to this November.

Remaining security detail costs to the end of Perry's presidential campaign last week will be in future DPS reports.

Democrats have called for the GOP governor to reimburse the state.

Perry has said he shouldn't because he promotes Texas wherever he goes.

(© Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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