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State House To Revisit Distracted Driving Ban

AUSTIN (AP) - The latest push to ban texting while driving in Texas could set off another showdown at the Capitol.

Among the bills on the House calendar Wednesday is a measure that would make texting behind the wheel illegal in Texas. More than two dozen Republicans and Democrats are carrying the proposal that would hit drivers with a potential $100 fine if they're caught texting on the road.

Texas is one of fewer than a dozen states where texting while driving remains legal.

Gov. Rick Perry has signaled he wants to keep it that way. He vetoed a texting while driving ban two years ago and has characterized the proposal as government micromanagement.

Several cities, including San Antonio and Austin, have local texting and driving bans in absence of a state law.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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