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State House Rejects Medicaid Expansion

AUSTIN (AP) - After approving a measure that would allow talks to expand Medicaid to the working poor, Texas Republicans have reversed themselves.

GOP leaders, including Gov. Rick Perry, have rejected expanding the health program for the poor unless the federal government allows Texas to develop its own rules and regulations.

During debate on the state budget on Thursday, legislators initially set out what they would like to see in a Texas plan to adding more than 1 million people to the program. The language was similar to one adopted by the Republican majority in the Texas Senate.

But conservative activists blasted House members for approving the measure. Victoria Republican Rep. Geanie Morrison called for a reconsideration of the 86-57 vote. The House then removed the proposal from the budget.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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