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Sports Ramblings Of A Madman

I guess congrads are in order to the Mavs, Mark Cuban and Nellie. Mavs go 36-30, blow a 13 point home lead with their backs to the wall, and get swept by OKC 4-0!!! Yep, congrads are in order I guess. The funny thing is that people are saying there was nothing else they could do.

Let's do what the Lakers did to get Kobe, Pau and Bynum and somehow trade for CP3 before the Commish steps in, then get D. Howard before he says no.

Lets do what Boston did to get the Big 3. How about what Miami did to get there 3? If D. Will doesn't sign here are congrader?

Better place to live DFW of Brooklyn? Family or New York? Should be a no-brainer for D. Will, right?

Yu 4-1, will finish 21-6

I'm so hot with my picks here are Sat. winning lotto numbers 8-23-27-34-35-42.

After losing 4-0 to OKC should Dirk really worry about the Gatorade cups on the table?

Hope your watching the hockey playoffs, if you're not you're missing out.

Hamels is an idiot. Love the 5 game suspension even though it isn't much of a penalty.

Other than Dirk, the biggest name the Mavs traded for or signed as a free agent is...?

Summertime hours start but don't tell the boss. Calling in sick Friday. Mental health day.


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