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Speaker Ryan Says Deporting Illegal Children Not In America's Interest

WASHINGTON (AP) - House Speaker Paul Ryan says President Donald Trump took the right approach to phasing out a program that helped young immigrants living in the United States who were brought into the country as children.

The Wisconsin Republicans says in an AP Newsmakers interview that he wanted the White House to provide time for a legislative fix because he didn't want the program "to be rescinded on Day One and create chaos."

Trump has announced that he'll dismantle the Obama administration's program in six months.

Ryan says that window should give time for Congress to act.

He says deporting those covered by the program is "not in our nation's interest."

The Obama-era program extended temporary work permits and deportation protection to nearly 800,000 younger immigrants brought to this country illegally as minors.

(© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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