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Social Psychology Instructor Helps Dallas Students See Their Potential

Linda Duran teaches Social Psychology at KD Conservatory College of Film and Dramatic Arts. The students major in Motion Picture Production, Acting, or Music Theatre and upon completion are awarded an Associate Degree.

Why did you pursue a master's degree?

"I pursued a master's degree in Guidance/Counseling because I have always loved learning, education and children. I wanted to work with students on a close and personal level, so that degree made sense. Also, I would make more money as a guidance counselor than a teacher so that was a factor as well."

What advice would you give someone who is considering a master's degree?

"I would ask them

  •       Do you enjoy learning and the academic environment?
  •       Are you a hard worker?
  •       How will this master's degree advance your career?
  •       Will it earn you more money?  More respect, status?  Opportunity for advancement? Emotional satisfaction?
  •       Do you have the time, energy and money to devote to this degree?
  •       Do you have the support of your family—emotional and financial to pursue this degree?"

What was the biggest challenge you faced when pursuing your master's degree?

"My biggest challenge was the distance I traveled. I had to drive 95 miles one way—after work and during the summer to get my master's degree.  I was married and had no children (thank goodness!) but my husband supported my efforts completely, which was very important."

What was the biggest reward for earning the master's degree?

"There have many rewards for earning my master's degree. It has opened up numerous unique opportunities throughout my career, such as working with the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children and teaching at the KD Conservatory College of Film and Dramatic Arts. But without question, the biggest reward for earning my master's degree has been the many years working with students and their parents. To be able to help an individual grow and mature and become a productive, healthy adult is truly a gift."

Robin D. Everson is a native Chicagoan who resides in Dallas, Texas. Her appreciation for art, food, wine, people and places has helped her become a well-respected journalist. A life-long lover of education, Robin seeks to learn and enlighten others about culture. You can find her work at 

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