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Trending: Social Media Magic, Sherman's Rant, BatKid's Heroes


Some are calling Zach King a modern magician, who is using social media to share his love for the craft.

King has posted more than 100 magic trick videos on vine, all of them just six seconds long.

The tricks look flawless.  But Zach admits that he doesn't actually perform them, he edits the video to make it look seamless.

Real or not, his videos are clever and fun to watch.  Click here to view all of Zach's videos.


The Super Bowl is set.  But all anyone is talking about the day after the NFL Conference Championship games is the post-game rant from one of the players.

Sunday night's NFC Championship game ended with a last-minute interception caused by Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman.

After the game, sideline reporter Erin Andrews tried to interview him, when he went on a tirade.

"Well, I'm the best corner in the game! When you try me with a sorry receiver like Crabtree that's the result you are going to get! Don't you even talk about me!

Andrews asked, "Who was talking about you?"

To which Crabtree responded, "Don't open your mouth about the best or I'm going to shut it for you real quick! L-O-B!"

Sherman cleaned up and calmed down a little later, but still had quite the chip on his shoulder during the post game press conference saying, "I'd like to thank the ahole fans that write on Twitter, and Facebook and Instagram and talk crap.. We appreciate the motivation.  You helped us win this game.  Appreciate it."

On Monday, Sherman wasn't backing down from his statements, saying the interview was "in the moment" and "just a small part of who he is." He also said he doesn't want to be a villain.


A couple of months ago, we all watched a wish come true for leukemia patient, five-year-old Miles Scott.

As "Batkid," Scott protected the streets of San Francisco fighting  villains and rescuing a damsel in distress.

Turns out, the city spent public money to rent a sound system and video screens so the world could watch the adventure.

Make A Wish set up the fantasy, and was trying to raise money to pay back the city.

When philanthropists John and Marcia Goldman heard that, they wrote a $105,000 check to cover the bill.

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