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Snow, Rain, Heat, Gloom Of Night, Toppled Trees...

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - A postal worker says he is lucky to have survived after a giant tree toppled onto his mail truck, with him inside of it.

Braving the elements is nothing new to postal workers who deliver mail come rain, snow, sleet or hail. But most postal workers agree part of their job is keeping a close eye on the weather.

"It gets windy and thunderstorms roll in like that. We see trees fall all over the place and if we are delivering we hear them bend and crack," said Roger Campian, who has been a postal worker for more than 20 years. "We just kind of hope that it never comes down on us."

Campian was sitting inside his mail truck, about to head out to deliver mail along the same route he's worked for the past 10 years, when he heard a loud noise.

"There was a big gust of wind and I heard the tree cracking and I looked up at it and I could tell it was about ready to come over," he recalled.

A giant tree was looming over him, about to fall over. The postal worker had little time to react as the huge Ash tree tumbled onto his mail truck.

For a split second Campian thought he should get out of his truck and run, but he decided to stay inside. He said he crouched down as much as he could, covered his head with his hands, and prayed.

"Just holding on for dear life once it was coming over," he said.

The impact caused the truck to bounce about two feet in the air but miraculously, the vehicle held the weight of the enormous tree. So, what was the extent of the damage to the truck? A few small holes caused by tree branches.

"I got out and there was a yard guy that was coming to check on me to make sure that I was alright and he was surprised that I was able to come without, with nothing, no bruises or anything," Campian said.

As far as aches and pains, Campian said his back was a little sore, but that didn't keep him from going back to work one day later.

"Scary, but everything turned out to be okay so it's something I can tell the grandchildren about one day," he said.

The mail in Campian's truck was delivered the same day.

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