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SMU President Says Racist Flyers Contradict School's Values

DALLAS (AP) - The president of a Methodist University in Dallas says racist banners and flyers posted around campus don't reflect the school's values.

One flyer found at Southern Methodist University reads: "Reclaim America. No more tolerance, no more diversity."

Another says gays and lesbians have "misplaced pride."

The white supremacist group named on the flyers also posted photos online of masked men giving the Nazi salute while standing in front of one of the banners.

University President R. Gerald Turner on Sunday sent an email to students and staff saying the school supports the freedom of speech and expression, but that the group promotes "an abhorrent message that is opposite to SMU values."

The local chapter of the group has already posted similar messages this year at SMU and other Texas campuses.

(© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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