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Sixth Floor Museum Adds Kennedy Video

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - A video of President Kennedy's trip to Texas taken just a day before he was assassinated is being added to the permanent collection at the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas.

Museum Curator Gary Mack says the silent, color home movie shows President and Mrs. Kennedy addressing a gathering of the League of United Latin American Citizens at the Rice Hotel in Houston.

The Botello Film - Sixth Floor Museum by CBSDFW Video on Vimeo

"Jackie normally did not tour around with the president and no one knew that she was going to address the crowd in Spanish.  That was a complete surprise and she spoke, from what I understand, beautifully and just wowed the entire crowd," Mack said.


The video was donated to the museum by a LULAC member who had close access to the President and the First Lady.  This is one of only 3 videos that have surfaced of the event.

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