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Severed Rattlesnake Head Bites Texas Man Who Decapitated It

CORPUS CHRISTI (CBSNEWS.COM) - According to a South Texas television station, Jennifer Sutcliffe and her husband were out doing yard work near Corpus Christi when they spotted a four-foot rattlesnake on their property. As any hot-blooded Texan would, her husband promptly grabbed a shovel and beheaded the snake. However, when he bent down to dispose of the reptile, it retaliated -- or rather, its severed head did.

(credit: CBS)

It turns out snakes can still attack even an hour after they've been beheaded. Since their metabolisms are much slower than those of humans, their internal organs can stay alive for longer.

Jennifer's husband learned that the hard way. And because the snake's head was no longer connected to a body when it bit him on the hand, it discharged the full load of its venom all at once and the man immediately began having seizures.

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