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Severe Weather Threatens North Texas Today

Storm Threat:  damaging winds and isolated tornadoes.  Additionally, locally heavy rainfall, lightning and small hail will be possible.

Timeline for North Texas:  1 PM – 11 PM

Timeline for Metroplex:  5 PM – 8 PM

A potent storm system is gathering strength in New Mexico as it is set to push across West Texas and into Oklahoma later today.  The Panhandle will be in the cold sector of this storm system and is under Blizzard Warnings with areas north of Amarillo expected 12"-16" of snow.  We spend the day in the warm sector and under a severe storm threat with 20-25 mph southerly winds channeling moist, mild air and temps in the low 60s.

Initially, isolated showers will develop with a few spot thunderstorms over most of North Texas through the midday hours.  There may be individual storms that develop with the potential for strong winds, small hail and lightning.  But the potential for strong to severe storms arrives toward the late afternoon as the powerful dynamics of the upper level low approach North Texas.    The main event will be the line of storms that's already taking shape to the west along the cold front attached to the low pressure system.

Overnight & Tuesday

After the storms exit North Texas during the overnight hours, temps fall into the low to mid 40s.  However, colder air plunges in with the arctic front to bring a blustery afternoon Tuesday with temps hovering in the mid to upper 40s and Wind Chills in the 30s under mostly cloudy skies.


Clear skies with drying air means we'll wake up to temps below the freezing mark.  We'll put temps near 31 for much of the Metroplex while suburbs and rural area run in the 20s.  Sunshine for Wednesday afternoon with temps recovering into the low 50s.


This period remains quiet as another cold front comes through dry.  It'll help temps climb to near 60 on Thursday, but we may experience highs in the 40s for both Friday and Saturday behind the front under partly to mostly cloudy skies.  Morning lows flirt with the freezing mark.

Christmas Sunday

Partly cloudy with a chilly morning and cool afternoon.  Right now we're sticking with morning temps above the freezing mark and the afternoon in the low 50s depending on the timing of yet another front as it eases into North Texas, simply reinforcing the feel of Winter.  Without adequate cloud cover Christmas morning, we could see morning temps in the 20s with afternoon readings rebounding into the 40s.

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