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Senate Dems Question Perry's Legislative Priorities

AUSTIN (KRLD) - Many Senate Democrats lambasted the legislative priorities of those across the aisle Tuesday, just four days after Gov. Rick Perry declared the voter ID bill to be an emergency issue that can be voted on immediately.

Perry, however, defended his actions, saying the reason the bill failed to pass in the previous legislative session was because it was presented late enough in the process that members of the House were able to talk it until deadline, effectively killing its chances of passing by not giving members enough time to vote.

"One of the ways you cure that is to get it out early, get it on the table where you can't have those kinds of shenanigans," Perry said.

Many Democrats expressed frustration that the voter ID bill – which would require all Texas residents to produce identification prior to voting – was placed on the legislative fast track while the budget wasn't. The state is facing a budget shortfall estimated to reach $28 billion.

"That hasn't been declared an emergency and that's what's on everyone's mind," said Sen. John Whitmire (D – Houston)

While Perry defends the GOP-backed bill by saying it's necessary to prevent fraud at polling locations, Senate Democrats see it as another hurdle for voters who don't have driver's licenses.

"You're not tending to the business of Texas," said Sen. Mario Gallegos (D – Houston).

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst said the bill is supported by people from all backgrounds, and "interestingly, it is not just a Republican initiative."

"I believe there is a procedural and a timing issue here that I think allows this body to deliberate on this important issue," said Sen. Robert Duncan (D – Lubbock).

The voter ID bill will be up for a vote in the Senate soon.

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