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Senate Bills Would Add Scrutiny To Perry Funds

AUSTIN (AP) - Gov. Rick Perry's signature economic development programs that give taxpayer dollars to private businesses would get a closer look under proposals in the Texas Senate.

A Senate committee Wednesday is to consider legislation to require an audit of the Texas Enterprise Fund. The fund has awarded more than $485 million to companies since 2003 and has never been scrutinized by auditors for accountability or efficiency.

The bill was filed by Sen. Wendy Davis. The Fort Worth Democrat wants an audit no later than 2015.

Budget-writers in the Texas Legislature have been in no hurry to replenish programs that award taxpayer dollars to businesses. Neither the Texas Enterprise Fund nor Emerging Technology Fund is due to receive new money under the two-year state budget approved by the House last week.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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