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Teens Find Hit and Run Victim's Purse in Bedford

As Bedford Police continue their search for the person who killed a mother of two this weekend in a hit and run accident, her purse is found.
Police say four high school students found 29-year old Tonya Page's purse along Highway 183. Surveillance video showed her walking along the highway early Sunday morning near Brown Trail, dropping her purse, and walking away.  Minutes later her body was discovered.  She was wearing a bathing suit and jean shorts.

The teens found the purse and held on to it a while before realizing who the purse belonged to. Police Lt. Kirk Roberts says once they found out who the purse belonged to, they realized they need to turn the purse in. He says some items may turn up missing from the purse, but nothing significant.

Lt. Roberts also says they have no leads in the case and are hoping the suspect will turn themselves in. He says if the accident was that, an accident, that can be talked about and they can move forward.

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