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Sandusky Scandal Rumored To Include "Pimping Out Boys," Radio Host Says

DALLAS (105.3 THE FAN) - In the wake of both the Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno and University President Graham Spanier being fired by the school's board of trustees over an alleged child sex scandal, Pittsburgh radio host Mike Madden is talking about more rumors -- ones of much wider-reaching crimes happening in the Second Mile program that was once run by Jerry Sandusky, the former Penn State coach and the man at the center of the firestorm.

In April of 2011 Mike Madden wrote a story about the grand jury investigation of Sandusky. The main focus of his article at the time was related to what Joe Paterno knew, and when did he know it. "I just predicted what would happen, all the facts about this case were out there," he told 105.3 The Fan's Shan & RJ.

"Did college coaching know? Did the whole NCAA football fraternity know? I've got a feeling this was just kind of something that people acknowledged and kind of nodded their heads in disgust at, but no one did anything about it until this past Friday."

But the main reason Madden was talking with New School today paints a much darker picture, and what he said was twice as shocking as anything that's been released thus far.

Mike Madden talks with New School on 105.3 The Fan


"The rumor is that the Second Mile, Sandusky's charitable foundation for at-risk youth, was pimping out boys to wealthy donors who were pedophiles." said Madden. "Wealthy Second Mile donors.  It's just a rumor but it must have some legs because I know of at least two major columnists that are investigating it".

After the news spread following his interview on a Boston radio station today, Madden later explained via Twitter why he went public with the rumors.

"I normally abhor giving RUMORS credence," Madden wrote. "But whole Sandusky scandal started out as a RUMOR. It gets deeper and more disgusting all the time. One of state's top columnists investigating. That adds credence. I am NOT rumor's original source. [Why does] Sandusky deserve benefit of doubt?"

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