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Saints Bounty Clarity Should Come This Week

NEW YORK (CBS SPORTS) - Through the sordid accusations, the press conferences, the claims, the counterclaims, the Bill Parcells factor... what seemed far away in the case of the Saints and Bountygate was a resolution. Finally, that could come very soon. This week, Sean Payton will meet with Roger Goodell. Payton has appealed his year-long suspension. Also this week, officials from the NFLPA will meet with officials from the NFL.

These are two huge aspects of the case happening within a matter of days. What emerges from those two meetings will go a long way to clarify and determine the outcome.

Payton's appeal is expected to be heard on Tuesday, and the outcome seems extremely predictable. Payton is appealing to Goodell, the man who suspended him, and said at the league meetings last week the Saints were misleading investigators as recently as two or three weeks ago. It seems highly improbable Goodell does anything to change the severity of the punishment.

If the suspension is indeed upheld then Payton and Parcells will likely make a quick decision about Parcells coaching the team. Parcells, without question, is strongly considering coaching the Saints. It has been said that Parcells is asking close friends for their advice on if he should take the job. One person close to the situation said Parcells has also been quietly talking to current Saints coaches about the possible transition from Payton to him as temporary coach.


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