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Psychic Predicts NCAA Tournament Outcomes

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) - With her mind wide open and her eyes tightly shut, a Sacramento spiritual psychic says she can see the future, even predicting March Madness winners.

"It's like I'm closing my eyes and I'm able to see them play," she says.

Tammy Adams calls them mini-movies, showing March Madness in action.

She says she can tell who is advancing just by the energy she feels, even though the spiritual psychic doesn't know a thing about college basketball.

CBS13 simply handed her a blank March Madness bracket and asked her what she saw.

"Butler, I know this is gonna sound not very nice but they're a little egotistical," she said.

Butler's overconfidence, Adams says, will lead to a loss to Bucknell.

When it comes to UCLA versus Minnesota, she says it's an "easy" call.

"UCLA I see as a team. I see them happy. I see them working together," Adams said.

There was no hesitation with Oklahoma State and Oregon.

"You're wanting to know who does better? Oregon," she said.

This "doesn't know a thing about basketball" psychic tells us Oregon has something to prove. She's right; the team does feel disrespected after getting a 12 seed.

"So it's like they're really excited about proving that point, so that's why I see them doing so well," Adams said.

Another team that jumps from this bracket is New Mexico.

"New Mexico was pretty strong -- that was since you first gave me the paper," she said. "Cause, there's a guy that's on their team that is most likely going to end up going to the professionals."

That guy would be star guard Kendall Williams. Most scouts have him as a top 50 NBA draft pick.

Finally, she gives us some insight to the UOP game versus Miami.

"They're gonna look really bad and then they're gonna end up taking off and doing a great job later," Adams said.

But in the end Pacific will fall short she says.

So, who will be the two final teams?

"On this side, I will definitely say Indiana," the psychic said. "Then on this side, this Gonzaga looks really positive."

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