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Ron Paul Sweeps Iowa Delegates

NEW YORK (CBS NEWS) - Ron Paul backers on Saturday notched yet another state delegate win in Iowa, proving -- despite their hero's concession that he will not be the Republican presidential nominee -- they're not going anywhere.

After what the Des Moines Register described as a "two-day tug-of-war marked by bouts of angry shouting," Paul supporters walked away with 23 of 28 total delegates to send to August's Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.

All are unbound, but senior Paul adviser Doug Wead told CBS News that their delegates will be respectful of Mitt Romney as the party's nominee, and won't "cause trouble or stir anything up."

Wead pointed out that while official numbers coming out of the Iowa state convention are new, the Texas Congressman's delegate win there was established in January on the night of the Iowa caucus: "You read all these stories saying we're flooding state conventions or stealing delegates that belong to Romney, and it's just absurd," he said. "You can't flood a convention; these delegates were elected to attend."

While Paul came in a distant third in Iowa's January caucus behind Rick Santorum and Romney, his famously loyal supporters led a concerted effort there and in many other states to stick around their precincts until voting ended, when the delegates would be selected.

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