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Romo's Near Gaffe Almost Costs Cowboys

LANDOVER, Md. (AP) – Tony Romo's quarterback skills are spot-on these days. His knowledge of overtime rules? That needs some work.

Romo was the holder who tried to call timeout as the play clock was running down before the Dallas Cowboys attempted a 39-yard field goal in overtime Sunday against the Washington Redskins.

However, the Cowboys were out of timeouts -- Dallas had already called the two that are allotted in the extra period.

Romo was saved from what might have been a costly 5-yard penalty only because the Redskins also happened to call timeout -- a ploy to ice the kicker.

Romo said the Redskins "helped us out" on that play.

After the timeout, Dan Bailey's kick was just barely good, sailing above the right upright to give the Cowboys a 27-24 win.

(Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.)

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