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Roe V. Wade Impact Still Felt Far Beyond Dallas, State

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Forty years ago today the United States Supreme Court ruled on arguably the highest-profile court case ever to come out of Dallas County.  Jane Roe, et al. v. Henry Wade, District Attorney of Dallas County - more commonly known as Roe v. Wade.

The court ruled in a 7-2 vote against Texas Assistant Attorney General Robert Flowers' argument for the state.  The court determined a woman has a legal right to an abortion under the United States Consitution's ninth and 14th amendments.

Forty years on the right to privacy and the idea of viability are both still hotly debated as both social issues as well as political ones.  They remain as divisive and passionate as ever, especially in Texas.

It was a campaign point for many candidates in the 2012 election cycle, and is a topic of discussion in the 83rd Texas Legislature, now underway in Austin.

The state is currently in a fight over funding of the new Texas Women's Health Program, specifically the role of organizations such as Planned Parenthood in state-assisted medical care.

The personal stories on both sides show just how deep the impact of the decision remains.  And if the fact the decision is still being discussed in 2013 as much as it was in 1973, 1983, 1993 and 2003 means that it will likely still be on the 50th anniversary and beyond.

On Tuesday, CBS 11 Political Reporter Jack Fink spoke with women across Dallas County about their thoughts on the impact Roe V. Wade:

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