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Robbers Target Hispanic Men In Plano Attacks

PLANO (CBS 11 NEWS) - A string of attacks, targeting Hispanic men in east Plano, have police there concerned.

Officers believe the same two or three men have robbed and assaulted at least five victims since late October.

The latest victim, Isaias Vasquez, 31, has the mind of a child, according to his family.

"It was scary because of his condition. He can't defend himself," said his sister, Nancy Vasquez.

Isaias was walking home, she said, when three men approached, asked for his wallet, then began hitting him with a thick wooden pole.

Police say, they struck him so hard they snapped the pole in two and caused serious injuries to his head.

"He had, like, 14 stitches," said his sister.

Investigators believe the attack is linked to others in the same area.

"They would catch an individual either in a parking lot or walking down the street alone, assault them, and take their money," said Plano Police spokesperson David Tilley.

Tilley says, the thieves are likely targeting Hispanic men, since they are more likely to carry cash on them and less likely to report crimes to police, if they're worried about their immigration status.

The Vasquez family says Isaias, who always enjoyed taking long walks, is now too afraid.

"I'm scared right now," he said.

"He doesn't want to go out," said his sister.

Police say witnesses are identifying a car used in the robberies as possibly a blue Grand Marquis or green Lincoln Town Car, with three men (18 - 25 years old) inside. The car's been seen passing through east Plano possibly searching for victims.

Plano police say they plan to have volunteers distribute crime bulletins in the area, warning Hispanics of the danger.

Police believe the thieves may consider Hispanics easy targets, since they are more likely to carry cash on them and less likely to report crimes to police, if they're concerned about their immigration status.

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