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Rick Perry Expects President Obama To Help Rebuild West

WEST (CBSDFW.COM) - Governor Rick Perry said he expects President Obama to "live up to his word" that the country would help with the recovery in West. The governor spoke at a concert and fundraiser in the city Saturday, just days after filing a formal appeal of FEMA's decision to deny full disaster aid to the town.

"He stood before the people of this country, he stood before the people of West and he said, 'We're going to be there for you'." Perry said. "I expect most people took that to mean when the disaster declaration went in, and this community did in fact meet the threshold, that there would be the dollars forthcoming. We full well expect the President to live up to his word."

Perry and West mayor Tommy Muska said West would be using about $10-million dollars approved from the state's rainy day fund to start work on some infrastructure work. Surveying for new water lines and a new well has already started Muska said.

Individuals are still regularly sending donations as well.

"I received a check from the HEB in Parker Heights this morning," Muska said. "$2,000. I received a $503 check from a little boy in South Dakota. People all over the country have given, from their hearts for the city."

FEMA did provide money for West for debris removal, and extra police and fire protection costs in the days after the April 17 explosion.

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