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Residents In Granbury Get Glimpse Of Their Homes

GRANBURY (CBSDFW.COM) - Residents in the Rancho Brazos neighborhood got their first look at the devastation caused by an EF-4 tornado.

Residents had been kept out the neighborhood for their safety, but today stood in line for hours to get a permit from authorities to allow them to get into their neigborhood to see the damage.

Law enforcement officers are allowing people in and out of the neighborhood through one entrance, checking every vehicle for permits and turning away those who don't have one.

Sheriff Roger Deeds said they handed out 160 permits today to residents and their family members who were there to help with the clean up. Forty-six other permits were granted for volunteers, insurance adjustors and clergy, who were there to help residents.

A curfew from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. remained in tact.

For residents like Laurie Lovelady and her family were stunned and saddened by the devastation they encountered.

"When we left out of there that night it was dark so we didn't see all of the devastation that was there," said Lovelady.

The sunshine today exposed what darkness had covered the night the tornado hit.

Lovelady and her sister, Pat Jones, were inside the home they share when the tornado struck.

"The house itself as far as we can remember it never budged. The only thing was the windows were broken and debris was coming in the windows," Lovelady said.

Lovelady and her sister were some of the few whose homes remained standing.

But not all were as lucky. Many familes dug through piles of rubble, hoping to salvage anything they could.

"The worst part about it was when we first rolled up there was kids out there with nothing. That's the worst part of the whole thing for me," Keith Bush, who was helping Lovelady and Jones salvage items and assess the damage. "My wife started crying because those were the kids she deals with at the school. They live out there."

The neighborhood was a symbol of home for  so many because many built their homes with their own hands and with the help of Habitat for Humanity.

"It won't ever be the same," Lovelady said.

But the sisters say with the help of friends and loved ones, they'll recover and beleive hope will be reborn in that neighborhood once again.

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