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Nolan Ryan Could Be Leaving Rangers

Nolan Ryan
(Photo by Bob Levey/Getty Images)

ARLINGTON (CBS SPORTS) - Texas Rangers CEO Nolan Ryan could be leaving the organization, perhaps as early as the end of spring training, according to a report out Monday.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram's Randy Galloway quotes team sources and cites recent front office restructuring as a sign of Ryan's decaying power. Rangers co-owner Bob Simpson vigorously denied that Ryan has in any way been defrocked or is being marginalized.

However, some sources are even saying that this restructuring has been in place since November, and that Ryan has had little or no say in baseball decisions since that time. "I think the reality is that he's going to leave, either by his own decision or somebody else's," said R.J. Choppy with 105.3 The Fan. "I think he is going to leave here this year, just because, look, Jon Daniels now has total control over the baseball operations."

Ryan has three years remaining on his contract with the Rangers, but if he has been forced to cede power to Daniels, then it is not hard to imagine a man of Ryan's pride walking away or forcing a more drastic decision on the part of ownership.

Read more about the story at CBS Sports, read the team's news release from Friday announcing the structural changes, and get further updates live from 105.3 The Fan.

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