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Renovation Master Plans For The Alamo Announced

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SAN ANTONIO (CBSDFW.COM) - Details of the $400 million plan to renovate Alamo Plaza have been formally unveiled.

In addition to closing the main streets around The Alamo and turning tourist shops into a so-called "world-class" museum, the renovated site will be enclosed by a glass wall and have only one entrance at the south gate.

A video presentation explained that, "Transparent, structural glass walls facilitate views of the Alamo's historic courtyard."

Directing visitors in through the sough gate isn't a new concept. All visitors from 1724 to 1836 used the gate.

While some visitors were not pleased, others complained about plans to remove the monumental cenotaph that stands in front of the Alamo.

Ultimately the site of the mission will include a four-story museum with a rooftop garden and restaurant.

It was two years ago when the Texas General Land Office secured $25 million for the renovation plan and has requested an additional $75 million from the state legislature this year.

The Alamo was the site of an 1836 battle that preceded the climactic battle for Texas independence. The location in downtown San Antonio is part of the San Antonio Missions, which is Texas' only world heritage site.

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