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Recognized Dallas Communications Specialist Changes How Corporate America Communicates

It is said that communication is essential to be successful in business. Regardless of what industry one works in or aspires to work in, one must be able to effectively communicate. Dianna Booher, founder of Booher Consultants, is an internationally known author and speaker. She has written 46 books, with half of them being on the topic of communication — all published by major publishers.

Booher has helped executives from ExxonMobile, Pennzoil, IBM, AMR, Nissan, Franklin Templeton and others learn communication skills through her corporate training programs. She is a nationally recognized communication and productivity expert, and has been interviewed by "Good Morning America," USA Today, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal and many other well-known publications.


How has Booher become so successful? She attributes her confidence to her parents and her education as the key to what has afforded her opportunities to provide for her family. Booher possesses a bachelor's in English Literature with a minor in Spanish from the University of North Texas, and a master's in English Literature with a specialization in writing from the University of Houston. She credits her success to a strong work ethic and faith. "God has given me talent and skill. I have used my time well," said Booher. "We are all put on the Earth to contribute in some way."

She worked full-time as a teacher for a couple of years and wrote a series of young adult books. She wanted to write for an adult audience, which paid more. She knew in order to do that successfully, she needed to pursue a master's degree.

One of the requirements of her master's degree was to produce a piece of fiction. In 1980, Kensington Press published her first novel "The Last Caress."

Through friends, she was introduced to the corporate world of communication and its lack of effective communication. She worked on creating training programs to help engineers and other professionals communicate. With books like "Speak with Confidence," "Communicate with Confidence," "E-Writing: 21st Century Tools for Effective Communication" and her newest book "Creating Personal Presence," Booher has proven her ability to inspire and educate others. She received the Council of Peers Award for Excellence and was inducted into the Hall of Fame for her contributions in the business community, which wouldn't have been possible without an advanced degree.


Robin D. Everson is a native Chicagoan who resides in Dallas, Texas. Her appreciation for art, food, wine, people and places has helped her become a well-respected journalist. A life-long lover of education, Robin seeks to learn and
enlighten others about culture. You can find her work at 

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