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Rangers Mailbag: Help For The Bullpen?

On Wednesday, May 20 Jared Sandler (@sandlerj) asked questions with the hashtag, #AskJared, for 105.3 The Fan. Here are some of the interactions.

Is there any help in the near future for our pen?
-- @ASESVBCoachB

I am interested to see how Ross Ohlendorf and Sam Freeman 2.0 can impact the bullpen. Ohlendorf was supposed to crack the roster our of Spring Training but suffered a groin injury and then a setback in Surprise that kept him from making his Rangers debut until recently this month. I think he'll add value.

Sam Freeman has been a guy that's had great success against righties but not nearly as much against lefties, which, as a left-handed pitcher, seems like an untapped channel for success. He spent a month-plus in Triple-A and dominated left-handed hitters. Hopefully he can have the same success at the Major League level.

Down the road, Luke Jackson seems poised to impact this team out of the bullpen. They recently converted him to the pen after time spent as a starter. He seems better suited for the bullpen with two very strong pitches.

Favorite place to watch the game at the ballpark excluding the pressbox?
-- @fakebenrogers

Great question! I try spend an inning every few games watching from outside the press box because baseball is meant to be played and watched outdoors. With that said, I like watching from all over the park, but my favorite place is somewhere from behind home plate, a little elevated, so I can see the action unfold in front of me.

If you could be any current Rangers player, who would you be?
-- @drocklee27

Adrian Beltre. His achievements speak for itself. He's Hall of Fame bound, too. But the separating factor for me is the respect he's earned around baseball from players and coaches. The only reason I'd hesitate on Beltre is because he hasn't won a ring yet and that to me would be most important if I played at that level.

Who is the weirdest/strangest (says most off the wall stuff) person you work with at 105.3 The Fan?
-- @pbgranger

I don't know about weirdest or strangest, but the off-the-wall stuff that comes out of the mouths of Kevin Turner and Jeff Cavanaugh typically have me rolling on the floor.

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