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Rangers Bench Coach Jones Being Presented With Medal Earned In Vietnam

ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) - As part of the Texas Rangers' remembrance of the Sept. 11 attacks, bench coach Bobby Jones is being formally presented with a military medal he earned in Vietnam.

Jones was to be honored before Thursday night's game against the Los Angeles Angels.

The former Army corporal will officially receive the Bronze Star. The medal was to be presented by a colonel from the Army Corps of Engineers.

Jones said he received the medal when he returned from Vietnam in February 1971, but didn't have an awards ceremony or get the accompanying citation.

Jones served in Vietnam for 14 months as the artillery section chief in a howitzer battery. He now wears hearing aids after the noise from the weapons caused hearing loss.

The former major leaguer was drafted into the Army at age 19 in 1969 when he was playing in the minors for the Washington Senators.

(© Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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