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Presidential Candidates Face Off One Final Time

BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) - The third -- and final -- presidential debate has ended.

During the 90-minute debate, the two candidates outlined their versions of the U.S. role in the world.

Romney said the U.S. has the "responsibility and privilege" to promote peace throughout the world. But he said domestic issues like the sluggish economy and debt had weakened U.S. leadership.

Romney said he would not cut military spending as president and would work to strengthen international alliances.

Obama said the U.S. was the "one indispensable nation" in the world and is stronger now than when he took office. He said the U.S. should rebuild its economy by keeping jobs in the country rather than shipping them overseas.

At one point, Obama took an aggressive posture toward Romney saying the Republican's policy proposals are so outdated "the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back."

After Romney voiced concerns about the persistent threat of al-Qaida in the Middle East, Obama noted Romney had once called Russia the nation's gravest geopolitical threat.

Obama said Romney's policy positions were rooted in the 1980s and his views on social issues are rooted in the 1950s.

Romney said he wouldn't have "rose-colored glasses" toward Russian leader Vladimir Putin and chided Obama for suggesting he would have greater flexibility toward Russia after the election.

The debate is being moderated by CBS News anchor Bob Schieffer and comes just two weeks before Election Day.

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