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Presidential Candidates Condemn Terror Attacks

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DALLAS (CBS11) - The five remaining Presidential candidates all condemned Tuesday's terrorist attacks in Brussels and expressed sympathies to the victims and their families.

But Republicans and Democrats differ on the U.S. should respond.

Republicans criticized President Obama for remaining in Cuba and for not returning home to speak with European allies and make sure counter-terrorism efforts are in place.

Billionaire Donald Trump issued several tweets Tuesday including: "Time and time again, I have been right about terrorism. It's time to get tough!"

Texas Senator Ted Cruz said Tuesday, "This is not an isolated incident, this is a war with Islamic radical terrorism. Isis has declared Jihad on Europe and on the U.S. They have declared their intention to murder."

Ohio Governor John Kasich said, "Had I been President, I would have cut short my visit, flown home, conducted calls jointly with heads of state and begun to assembly teams of people, intelligence experts who can take a look at the serious breaches we have in intelligence."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "To do anything that implies we are at war with an entire religion with one or two or four billion people is not only wrong, it is dangerous. You know right here at home we need to be reaching out and including Muslim-Americans and communities where they live in our first line of defense."

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders said, "It is clear to me, and I think the entire civilized world, that ISIS must be destroyed. We are making progress in Iraq, ISIS is losing about 20% of the territory they held last year, but clearly we have got to do more."

SMU Political Science professor Cal Jillson says he doesn't believe the terror attacks will have much of an impact on tonight's election contests in Arizona, Utah, and Idaho.
Jillson says most voters made up their minds before they'll vote.

(©2016 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)

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