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Post Super Bowl XLVI: The Morning After Leftovers

INDIANAPOLIS (CBSDFW.COM) - Any of you have that morning after feeling today?  Me, too.  Perhaps it was too much gumbo.

The game itself between the Giants and Patriots will be relived and discussed ad nauseum today.  (Programming alert: I'll be doing as much on the Fan Sports Show tonight at its new time at 6:30 tonight on TXA21).

How about some of the fun stuff?  The Leftovers.  Lots to be had after what was a great game, an elaborate halftime show and some fun commercials.  (I DID pick the Giants, btw)

Gisele, Colorful Analyst

Last week we did a fair amount of discussing supermodel Gisele's possibly emasculating email, asking for support and prayers for husband Tom Brady in Sunday's game.  She charmingly requested loved ones to "envision him happy and fulfilled experiencing with his team a victory this Sunday."

Last night after the Giants beat Brady's Patriots, she wasn't so warm. 
She ranted "my husband cannot f***in throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time."  Here's a link to the video of her proving she can be analyst with the best of them.

Commercial Success?
There's always much analysis of the Super Bowl commercials.  While I'll leave that to the experts, I did think Clint Eastwood's Chrysler ad and the VW's canine-themed Stars Wars ad were both great.  Dmagazine profiles commercials that had local ties with ads featuring Mark Cuban, Troy Aikman and Deion Sanders.  I dug Cuban's cameo in the Skechers ad.  Animals just work for me.
Madonna the Conservative?

I'm sorry, I loved the halftime show.  I get the negative feedback.  She lip-synced her way through it, although it did seem she sang "Like a Prayer".  Maybe that's why it was my favorite part of her show.  Still I loved the theatrics of it, the costume changes, the performance.   It was a little restrained for her but considering her audience she had to be.  We discussed on the Fan Sports Show last week if Madonna would curse during her 12 minutes or even provide another kiss a la the one she shared with Britney Spears during the 2003 Video Music Awards.  Who would have thought Madonna would have been the most restrained performer?  It was MIA who flipped the bird.  

My Sideline Pass for a Cappucino
And finally, anyone who is getting out of town the day after a big-game event like a Super Bowl, World Series or NBA Finals has experienced the airport Starbucks line from hell right after you pass security.  You see all those hungover reporter types, jocksniffers and B-List celebs who can't afford private planes waiting patiently for a much-needed caffeine kick.  ESPN's Rachel Nichols actually said, rather tweeted, something I finally found funny and spot on:
"Not sure which is more disturbing: that the Starbucks line at the Indy airport is longer than the security line. Or that I'm standing in it."


Read more of Gina Miller's "That Sports Girl" blog.

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