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Political Fireworks Fly During Prime Time Debate

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CLEVELAND (CBS11) - The political fireworks flew right away during the prime time Fox News-Facebook debate.
It all began with the first question: would any of the Republicans refuse to take a pledge Thursday night they would support the eventual nominee and not run as an independent.

Billionaire Donald Trump raised his hands, and some people in the Republican audience in the Quicken Arena in Cleveland booed. Trump said, "We want to win and we will win and I want to win and run as the Republican nominee."

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul shot back, "This is what's wrong. he buys and sells politicians of all stripes. He's already hedging his bet on the Clintons."

The candidates also talked about illegal immigration and securing the border -- an issue Donald Trump says no one would be talking about if it weren't for him. He was asked what proof he had Mexico is sending criminals, rapists, and drug dealers to the U.S.

Mr. Trump says, "Our leaders are stupid, our politicians are stupid, and the federal government is much smarter, much sharper, and much more cunning and they send the bad ones over because they don't want to pay for them, and care for them and why should they when stupid leaders of the U.S. will do it for them."

Texas Senator Ted Cruz said, "It's not a question of stupidity. It's that they don't want to enforce immigration laws. That there are too many in the Washington cartel that support amnesty."

There were a variety of feisty moments between the candidates during the debate, but the Republicans also sharply criticized President Obama and Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

Facebook announced Thursday night that the top candidates discussed on Facebook during the debate were Donald Trump, Surgeon Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

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