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Plano Police Reunite Lost Child With Parents

A four-year-old girl was found wandering alone near a Plano apartment complex before sunrise Monday morning.

Kimber and she was found outside an apartment complex and she has since been reunited with her guardian.

But, for a time today, the case really hit a nerve... with a lot of people.

"Where are her parents?" questioned Mary Gunn.

It appears that a little girl woke up early and wandered outside, giving her grandfather that she was visiting a fright and touching the hearts of North Texans as well.


Blissfully unaware of the danger, the four-year old's sweet face still bore traces of what could have been some playtime in makeup.  But, police and the community began the day with concern.

Police reached out on social media hoping to locate her parents or a guardian.

"It's hard not to jump to conclusions as a Mom.  At the same time, I can't imagine anything good on this side of it. I hope that whatever has happened ends up being something freaky weird and everything's okay," says Dianna Bryan.

It Police say Kimber was spending the night with her grandpa when she woke up early and wondered outside, other tenants didn't recognize her so they called police.  But, as word spread throughout the community for many, the first thought was of another North Texas child who had been failed in a spectacular, heartbreaking way: three-year-old Sherin Matthews.

Mary Gunn was concerned about a child out wondering in the early hours of the morning, "Something very bad happened not long ago with the little one, she was found in a culvert, and she was not among the living anymore and that broke my heart."

Many people CBS11 spoke with today mentioned Sherin, obviously this has hit a nerve. Even police acknowledge that the sensitivity about the welfare of children in our communities is right now very high.

"It's not uncommon for children to wander out of the home while the parents are sleeping," said Officer Tilley.  "When they wake up, they will typically call us.  That's what we are hoping happens here."

Police say they're talking with CPS representatives and Plano detectives to find out what happened.

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