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Plano ISD Parents Fighting Feeder Plan Change

PLANO (CBSDFW.COM) - With every seat taken, people stood wall to wall at Plano ISD's board meeting.

At issue, boundary lines on where students go to school, a hot topic among parents.

Just two years ago the school board went through a major overhaul of the district's feeder plan, changing where students would attend school from pre-k through their senior year.

Now on the table is the possibility of opening a fourth senior high school, which would mean redrawing the feeder plan all over again.

There are those who say the three current senior high schools aren't balanced in the way students are assigned to them. Chart after chart presented at the meeting showed Plano West Senior High with more students that Plano Senior and Plano East.

Another option on the table is to spend to $17 Million to expand Plano West, but some say the feeder system from 2009 needs to be revised to distribute students equally.

No action was taken on the decision Tuesday night, only public input.

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