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Plano-Obsessed Rockwall Boy To Get Dream Tour Of Water Tower

PLANO, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) - A Rockwall boy who has a "weird obsession" with the city of Plano, according to his mother, will be getting his Christmas wish a little earlier this year. The city said the boy will be able to tour the very structure he dressed as for Halloween.

Jack the Plano Water Tower
Five-year-old Jack dressed as a Plano water tower for Halloween. (Rachel Barfield)

Five-year-old Jack has been obsessed with Plano ever since he saw a news clip about one of its water towers being demolished, his mother said.

"He says when he grows up, he's moving to Plano. He wants to be a 'Plano water tower worker,'" his mother, Rachel, said.

Jack's mother posted a picture on social media of her son dressed as a Plano water tower for Halloween. The city loved it!

"It was so adorable, we at the City of Plano, just couldn't stand it. So we invited little Jack and his family to take an up-close tour of one of our water towers," the city said.

Little Jack told his mother he wanted a Plano shirt, coffee mug, keychain and anything else Plano for Christmas. The city said he will receive a gift bag with everything on his Christmas list.

And what about his home city of Rockwall?

"I tried to get him to at least represent our own city as a Rockwall water tower, but nope! Plano was #GOALS for Jack!" his mother said.

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