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Plano Gun Store Sees No Sales Spike After Orlando Attack

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PLANO (CBSDFW.COM) - With the recent mass shooting in Orlando this past weekend, North Texas gun store owners are feeling the effects.

Ro Carter owns Mister Gun in Plano, and said that the store usually sees a spike in gun sales after such an incident. This time around, however, he has noticed a different trend. "The sort of ban fear is kind of playing out a bit where its not as big a fear in people's minds," Carter said. "But we definitely got calls about it."

Carter added that, this time, customers are asking about the AR-15. "We had some calls and you can tell there are some people interested," he explained. "There is definitely a lot of conversation about it, especially with the politics surrounding it. That's the topic people want to talk about."

The weapon identified as the one used by the Orlando shooter was an AR-style .223-caliber Sig Sauer.

Carter said that most of the sales following a mass shooting are from people worried about the long-term availability of guns, not necessarily because they are concerned about their safety.

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