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Buckeyes Fan Pulled Over For Bumper Sticker

PLANO (CBS 11 NEWS) - Driving their Mustang convertible through Tennessee, Guido and Bonnie Boggioni, of Plano, had their Buckeye spirit on full display.

"All of a sudden, I look up in my rear view mirror and see blue lights," said Bonnie Jonas-Boggioni, who was driving home from her mother-in-law's funeral.

She says, a police officer pulled over, asked her to exit the car, and started questioning her.

"He said, 'What are you doing with a marijuana sticker on your car?' and I turned around and said, 'Uh, that's a buckeye leaf," she recalls.

The Boggionis say, an officer had zeroed in on a bumper sticker of a buckeye leaf.

To convince him, it wasn't a marijuana leaf, Guido just pointed to the Ohio State sweater he was wearing.

"I pointed to the helmet on my sweater and said, 'That's a Buckeye leaf'," he said. "Why would you pull somebody over for a Buckeye leaf?

The Boggionis say, the officers let them go, but not before offering some advice.

"He said, 'you need to take that sticker off.' And I said, 'in Tennessee?' And he said, 'No, forever'," she said.

Back home, in her Buckeye shrine, Bonnie says, she grew angry an officer would stop her over a sticker.

"It's your first amendment right to have it on your car," said Bonnie.

The whole situation, she says, left her rattled.

"But, I never took the sticker off," she said.

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