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Pettersson: Golf On 'Witch Hunt' Of Long Putters

Carl Pettersson of Sweden walks on the f
Carl Pettersson of Sweden (Photo credit DON EMMERT/AFP/GettyImages)

KAPALUA, HI (AP) - Carl Pettersson isn't about to ditch his long putter anytime soon.

In his first comments since golf's governing bodies announced a plan to ban putters that are anchored to the body, Pettersson says the decision feels like a "witch hunt." He says it wouldn't have been an issue if not for three of the last five majors being won by players using a belly putter.

The ban, once approved, would not go into effect for another three years. Pettersson has been using a broom-handle putter for 16 years, and he says he will continue to use it this season.

He says he will see how the issue unfolds before deciding whether to challenge the proposed rule.

Pettersson qualified for the Tournament of Champions at Kapalua by winning Hilton Head.

(Copyright 2013 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.)

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