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Perry Wants 'Transparency' For All Candidates

AUSTIN (AP) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry, weighing in on whether Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney should release more tax returns, says he believes all candidates should be as transparent as possible when it comes to tax returns and other aspects of their lives.

In remarks to reporters Tuesday, Perry didn't specifically call on Romney to release more tax returns. But Perry said that anyone running for office should give people what he called "backgrounds," including tax returns, if asked and if the requests are within reason.

Perry said he thinks President Barack Obama should release his college and law school transcripts and called it "odd" that Obama hasn't done so.

College transcripts are not routinely released by presidential candidates. Neither Obama nor Romney has released their college records.

(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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