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Perry To Discuss Tax Cuts Again

AUSTIN (AP) - Gov. Rick Perry opened Texas' legislative session urging lawmakers to use a surplus of state funds on tax cuts.

But those cuts haven't materialized.

Instead, the Legislature hopes to use extra money generated by a booming state economy to reverse some of the $5.4 billion it cut from schools in 2011. It also may tap Texas' reserve funds for water and infrastructure projects.

Perry visits the Austin Chamber of Commerce on Monday to again discuss "tax relief." It could still be a tough sell.

Top Texas Senate Republicans say the most likely source of tax cuts is only refunding to ratepayers roughly $900 million from the System Benefit Fund.

The fund was supposed to help low-income families pay utility bills. Lawmakers have instead kept that money to balance the budget.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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