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Perry To Address Business Forum In Austin

AUSTIN (AP) - Gov. Rick Perry is delivering the keynote address at the Governor's Small Business Forum's 2013 Texas Global Business Summit.

Wednesday's event in Austin comes as the state Legislature enters its final, frantic days before the end of the session Monday.

Perry has the option of summoning lawmakers back to work for a special session later this summer.

He has said that if lawmakers want to avoid that, they should send him a state budget with at least $1.8 billion in tax cuts, as well as $2 billion in funding for roads and water infrastructure.

The governor, in office since 2000, plans to announce whether he'll seek a fourth full term after the legislative session. He also hasn't ruled out another run for president in 2016, despite his unsuccessful 2012 bid.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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